Friday, February 6, 2015

One degree: Change the plan, not the destination

A few weeks ago, in Sunday School,  one of my friends was talking about changing our course of action by one degree. It may start out as a very small movement, but over time, can become a huge change in the path.  Depending on the destination, this one degree can be either good or bad. If a pilot gets off course by just one degree, he will find himself 92 feet away from his target for every mile he flies. That means, for every 60 miles of travel, being just one degree off course will result in missing the mark by a mile.  So,  if you were traveling from New York City to Los Angeles and you were off by just one degree, your plane would land about 50 miles off course near San Diego. From Los Angeles to Paris, your plane would miss its mark by over 100 miles!!

But, let's dig into this a little deeper in terms of our business. If you have your goals down on paper, and you are constantly not hitting your goal- change your course of action by one degree. Do one thing different. You don't need to change your goal, but- your course may be off. Just reset your dial and keep going. You may not see a lot of change right at the beginning, but over time, you will get back on track! Instead of trying to fly a straight path to your destination, you may end up making one big zig zaggy line- is that ok? ABSOLUTELY!

This could go completely the other way, too. If you find yourself totally off course,  you may have moved one degree in the wrong direction. You need to get your destination back in your sights, and get your focus back!

Wherever you are- it's ok. Don't be afraid to change the course, but never the destination!  Know what you want, and be prepared to navigate around the storms and other obstacles in your way!  And, if you have to- call into the air control and ask for directions!

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