Wednesday, February 4, 2015

How to be a SAHM, and not go crazy! (5 simple tips to being the Mom you dream about)

Ok- that was a pretty long title, right?  It worked, I've got you now!  So, how do you be a stay at home mom, and not go crazy? I have five simple tips to help you be the dream mom that everyone wants to be!
You are probably sitting there blinking at your screen right now in one of two situations. One, you are either a stay at home mom already, and you are on that borderline of crazy and postal...or two, you are sitting at your 9-5, missing your baby and on the borderline of crazy and postal.  Either way- you are very likely in a situation that is straight up crisis and you want out! I am here to help- please, keep reading!

First you should know, all those moms who you think "have it made", staying home, working, with perfect kids and clean houses. They don't exist. Once you accept that sometimes you don't shower for 3 days, but your kids are squeaky clean every night when you put them to bed- or, that it's easier to close the shower curtain than it is to scrub the soap scum off the wall... the faster we can move onto some survival tips.

Tip #1- Interact with adults at least once a week- face to face.  Most SAHM's have a work from home job. If you don't, get one.  It's the perfect excuse to get out among the adults in the world and have an intelligent conversation- one that does not include the words tinkle, poopoo or widdle punkin.  And let's face it, even Facebook does not fill that need to be social and connect with humans.

Tip #2- Don't forget to be a kid once in awhile. Play with your kids. If you can't beat 'em- join 'em. It's ok to let the laundry pile up on the couch while you drive hot wheels through hot lava and destroy the zombies with a bus.  That is perfectly normal and acceptable behavior- and your kids will never remember that there was a pile of dirty clothes on the couch.

Tip #3- Get a hobby!  Even with a very hectic schedule of kids extra curricular activities, a work from home business, and all the normal things like grocery shopping...there are times of extreme boredom. This is a time you need to find something to do  that keeps you sane. Take up knitting, or maybe start a coffee group,  play cards or pick a new subject to become an expert on and read all the books you can find about it.

Tip #4-  Eat chocolate. Self indulge once in awhile. You work hard and you deserve it. That's truthfully an honest statement. You don't have to talk yourself into it, or try to justify it. You. Do. Work. Hard. Reward yourself. And, give your praises to the Lord. After all, he let you wake up today so that you could work hard, and eat chocolate.

Tip #5- Date your husband (or wife).  In all of the everyday things. Don't ever stop dating your spouse. They are your #1 support beam in your life and you need to lean on them. Let them know you still need them, that they are loved, that they are your rock. If you divide that relationship, everything becomes twice as hard. Be a solid team. You don't always have to agree, but a healthy, strong relationship will make every single day a joy to have lived.

And there you have it, my survival tips to being a stay at home mom. Did you find this helpful? If so, share it with someone! Sometimes we just know these are the things we need to do, but need that validation from someone that it truly is ok.  Here's your validation stamp! Have a wonderful day!

Get dressed up to go to the grocery store. 

Be Silly. 

Do the best you can with what you have.

Do something daring......

Dress up for Halloween- for your kids. 

Play with your kids- accept the flowers, even if they are weeds. 

Date your husband or wife. 

Take selfies with your teenager. 

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