Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Business Tip for Potential Consultants

I want to address this, because- even after this has happened to me multiple times- it still stings every time. It makes me want to draw up a bill and send it to them.
 If you have been working with a potential SPONSOR for a company for many weeks or months. Do not just ditch her for someone else! How would you feel if you spent many hours working with a potential teammate, answering all their questions, working on a game plan, and teaching them the ropes and they just up and leave you for someone else? That's time we cannot get back. We spend time on you because we have a vested interest in YOU. That is time we gave up that we maybe could have spent with our husbands or children. That's time that is valuable. Don't jerk people around. And IF you do decide it's not a good fit, at least have the decency to be honest and tell that person that you need to move on. Because, we will find out- especially if you go to another consultant in the same company! These companies are like families. We share with each other. We care about each other. We are like sisters and we certainly feel each other's pain when these things happen. If I signed someone up that had left another gal in the dust like that- I certainly would feel like crap. I probably wouldn't want to work with you very much because that is a dirty little trick. I seek people who can commit and stick with something. And that certainly would show me that you aren't committed to me or the business, and that the second it gets hard, you'll probably just move on to a different thing.

It's just not cool- don't do it! With that- I leave you with these few tips to stay motivated despite the crap we have to endure as a business owner. Enjoy! 

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