Saturday, February 22, 2014

Business Opportunity Calls

Interested in what I do? Join me any Thursday night at 8pm on an opportunity call!  I'd love to have you join me!

Grow your Business!!

I recently attended a webinar that offered 25 tips to grow your MLM business. When you stop learning you stop growing- so, never stop learning! I read books, attend webinars and attend as many corporate sponsored trainings and events as I can.

In this post I am going to cover a few tips I found the most helpful. Some of these are so simple, your going to smack your knee and say- now why didn't I think of that?!

Have an accountability partner.  If you don't have a supportive spouse, you need to find someone to talk to often and brainstorm with. Someone who will call you up and say- are you working towards your goals? In my company, we call these people Business Building Advocates.  And, it's ok- if you have more than one accountability partner. In fact- the more people holding you accountable for your success, the better! Because, face it, we DO care what other people think!

Talk to people! This is one of those knee slappers. It's brilliant! Imagine a world where people stopped texting for a minute and actually said hello to the person next to them. That's the original network marketing strategy. It's timeless, and still the most effective way to grow your business. Just say hello.

Don't throw up on people. Say hello, and then LISTEN. When you know what they need, you will be at the best advantage point to help them!  Be confident in your abilities and believe in your business! Noone likes a wishy-washy consultant. And, noone likes a spammer- online or in person. Remember, spammy is trashy.

Don't quit. It's ok to go slow and steady, but it's not ok to quit. And, it's ok to be quick and furious, too. That's how movements happen. And, that is where you'll make the most valuable amount of money.

If you don't like your leader, become the leader you desire. You will attract other leaders like you, so decide now how you will behave and duplicate.

Stop making excuses. I recently read a quote: "Excuses are more expensive than solutions."
 ~ I hear all the time, "I can't do {activity} because, I have kids."  Well, a babysitter is more expensive than teaching your children how to work. Give them some responsibility. Teach them that your business is and can be a family business. After all, you are doing this to spend more time with them, right? Who ever told you, you can't bring your kids with you? And, if you avoid working because you don't want to pay a babysitter, that's a monetary loss as well. You can't move your product if you are not out there showing it.

Be genuine, but be genuinely out to help people. Help others succeed and mean it! Even if they are not in your leg/team- just be real and help others! The blessings you receive from being selfless will come back to you ten-fold. Don't get a big head, be humble.

Follow up on leads, and do what you say your going to do. If you say you'll call, call! Be professional!

You don't have to be pushy, but you still need to offer the opportunity to everyone. Be indirect, say- "I know you are not interested in this opportunity right now, but could you think of 3 people who might be?"  This takes the pressure off them, and allows them to open their mind and give you hot leads.  Always follow through!

Go for No- Go for No- Go for No. It's just a step closer to yes. And, no does not mean no never, just no not right now. So, follow up!

Chances are,  if you are feeling unhappy in your business right now, you are making it too complicated. Keep it simple, be yourself. Take away the hype and spam and negativity- and you'll be amazed at the business you will begin to grow.

Running a business is a lot like pushing a car up a hill. It's hard at first, then as you crest the hill, it gets a little easier, and when you get over the hump, you gain momentum and soar!  Don't quit! Just keep pushing!