Friday, May 30, 2014

When it hurts, it's time to bloom!

I saw this picture this morning and it really got me thinking about being in direct sales. From the time we are someone's "prospect" to the time we are calling it a lifetime of success. We are in a constant bud to bloom status.

You see, we were once seeds (someone's prospect). They cared for us, nurtured us, watered and fed us. They gave us all the things we needed to grow and begin to bud. And then, an amazing thing happened- we begin to become too big for our surroundings. We either break out and bloom, because it's too painful to stay where we are, or we shrivel up and die.

Some people are annual plants. They take on a lifecycle, are fed and nurtured and grow through the year, bloom and then pass away. Much like when the business cycle begins to slow down and hit a cold spot, you just shrivel up and move on, thinking- this is it, this is what I came for. I did good, and had a beautiful run- but, it's over now. This is ok. Some people were made to be this way. It's not an ugly thing, it's a natural way. We need these short bursts of life, to help us learn things and enjoy some beautiful moments. They serve a purpose. This is good.

Some people are biennials. They live sort of a dull first year, moving slowly along growing and being nurtured and fed and sort of taking it easy. Then, they have a burst of beauty in their second year- where they bloom and have great success. Then, it just gets sort of burnt out, and dies. This isn't a bad thing. It's ok. We need these sort of people, too. They help us remember to be patient, our time is coming. Be consistent, persistent and stay determined, there will be a bolt of greatness coming, if you can just hang on through the tough times, and bloom in the spring. They too, serve a purpose. This is good.

And some people are perennials. This is a lifecycle that comes back year after year. They grow and are fed and nurtured, and survive the toughest of winters. They keep growing and living, and get these beautiful bursts of blooms each and every year. They survive many winters, many falls, many summers and springs. They bring joy and value to other lifecycles around them. They learn and grow and become survivors. You see, even though the green above the ground may become dead and ugly, the prospector keeps the ground moist, and gives nutrients to the roots. It cares for it's position in the earth, taking care not to mow over it, or build mansions on top of it. The prospector values the beauty it knows is coming, and continues to maintain a strong root system for that perennial. And, sure enough each year, it comes back just as strong and beautiful as before. Because the prospector knows, that he too, is a perennial. And the line of care, is strong and deep. There is a purpose, and this is good.

See, it takes a whole system of people to maintain a line of growth. There must be a well developed and well nurtured line of care. The earth must be fertile, the rains must come, some lives will come and go in short beautiful cycles, and some will come and stay a long while. All are necessary, and all are good. So don't get discouraged by a cold winter. Don't feel bad if you learn you are only an annual. And don't those in your line discourage you. They came for a reason, and they leave more beautiful than when they came. They leave a changed lifeform, ultimately feeding you and creating a stronger, more beautiful you. Take pride in who you are, and what you came to do. There is a reason, and it is good.

Take care of yourself, and take care of those around you. Serve selflessly, and your blessings will come ten-fold.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

It's ok to grow slow, but- don't stop moving!

I'm sitting here today, reading about how frustrated others are in their business. They see the fast success of other people and wonder- why can I not get rich quick, too? I work just as hard, do the same things they do and sell the same products! I just don't get it. 

It's ok to not know the answers. In fact, it's ok if you don't grow fast and become an overnight success! It actually might be just the right thing for YOU. If you did grow fast, and experience quick success- there is nothing wrong with that either! Some people do, and can- and have done this- and experienced a lifetime of joy from it. But, it's not the "norm", and this blog is to let those of us who don't experience this, that it's okay! 

Each person runs business differently. We each have different personalities, different characteristics, methods and lifestyles. We all do it different. We are unique. And that is a good thing! It kind of goes with the whole concept of, "God doesn't give you more than you can handle". Had you exploded right out of the gate, would you have been prepared to lead a team? To take on all that inventory, or be able to lead meetings and conferences? Would you have the knowledge and experience to pass on to your new found success team? Chances are, you wouldn't have a clue what to do. 

It's ok to learn your business first, and grow later. In fact, change your way of thinking- be a fast learner, and a slow grower. Farmer's don't just plant seeds and get fully grown crops by morning. They study their profession, learn about the land and what it takes to grow successfully. They take the time to know what they are doing, and then put it to use. And when the time is right, they have a beautiful ripe field of success! 

Be thinking about the long term- grow slowly, but steadily. The results will be long-lasting and very rewarding. Work hard, be diligent, and keep your passion. Fast success often leads to fast burn-out! Take care of yourself, and just keep moving forward. Apply the new things you learn, and see the success come to you in small portions. Enjoy each one along the way, big or small. Take pride in what you accomplish- you EARNED the right to be proud of who you are!  

Don't give up. All the blood, sweat and tears are worth it. 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Get rid of that but!

Last night our company announced a huge chance to win a trip to Hawaii, at our annual convention in August! Very exciting right? While the buzz around the online groups was excited and hopeful- there were a few  things that stuck out to me.

Quite frankly, the big but's were getting in the way!

I kept reading.... "I'd love to go...but....". Or, "I wish I could go, but...".

Well, I'm sorry BUT, your excuses don't make sense. You own a business, you are in business- you have products to sell- therefore, you have money! Lack of money is not a valid reason to miss out on your companies annual convention. It's just an excuse. Because, if you have the desire to go- and you haven't been working- the only thing to blame, is who's looking back at you from the mirror. The MOTIVATION is the incentive prizes offered at convention...the MEANS to get there is dependent on you.

Step it up, make more sales, make more contacts, add more people to your team- because, when you are out there working- you are making money and if you have money you can go. It takes a goal and a plan and yeah, some hard work and elbow grease- and, it CAN be done.

I lost my "real job", a little over a month ago. Sure, money is tight.... but my plans are set up. I'm still going to convention- and my chance to win that trip- is there! I want to win stuff, I want to learn how to grow my business into even bigger and better things. I want to make more money, make more friends and live a better life.

So- my motivation- pushes me farther than I ever thought I could go. I didn't spent two years in this business to give up because, I don't make as much money as I used to. I'm still going.

I know that if I make it a goal and a plan to go, that I will in turn also be making life better in the long run for my family and I. When my business starts bringing in that residual income (long term income), that I will have more precious time with my family. More vacations, more travel, more of the things I want for my kids and family.

Don't let excuses run your life. Make a goal, make a plan and get out there and WORK. :) 

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Moving out of your comfort zone!

Ok ladies. It's time to pack up and move out! That's right- I'm evicting you from your comfort zone!

Oh no, I knew this would happen. I knew you'd cry. Please, don't do that- this is for your own good! If you are sitting here thinking, how do I get out of this rut....?  You are living inside your comfort zone.

Earlier this week, I posted 20 ways to get out of your comfort zone. They applied more to life comfort rather than business- but, would definitely open doors for you. Today, let's focus more on business comfort zones.

If you:
1. Have not made any sales beyond friends and family...
2. Have not made a sale in 24 hours....
3. Have not handed out a business card today....
4. Have not talked to a complete stranger.....
5. Have not gotten out of your pajamas....

YOU ARE IN A COMFORT ZONE! You need help! Well, I'm here for you!

Here are some ideas to get you past this!

1. Make a list of everyone you know. Call all of them, even if you don't like them.

2. Hand out 5 business cards to random strangers.

3. Compliment 5 strangers on something that relates to your business. For example if you sell jewelry, compliment 5 people on their jewelry and ask if it's from the company you sell for....even if you KNOW it's not!

4. Host your own open house/party/presentation. Make up invitations, and hand them out to everyone you don't know. Do at least 100, even if you feel like you don't have enough product. What's the worst thing that can happen? You sell out? Yeah........... big problem!

5. Do something you are scared of. Create a blog, make a video, do a conference call.

6. Get off your computer! Social network sites and the internet are great for a lot of things, but nothing matches the person to person connections! People need to know you in real life!

7. Get completely decked out in formal wear, and go shopping. If you must have a reason, create a team party and go bowling all dressed up. This creates positive attention and shows you know how to have fun! People like fun people.

8. Don't be afraid to build new relationships. Make a new friend.

9. Go somewhere you've never been, and ask to hang up a flyer.

10. Get out of your Pajama's! Even if you aren't going anywhere, dress for success!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

20 Ways to get out of your comfort zone

One of the leaders found this and posted it on our team support page. I asked if I could use it on my blog today!

I know you often hear "get out of your comfort zone", but usually people don't really tell you HOW to do that. Here are 20 ideas for you! Enjoy!

1. Put your personal work out in the world so that it’s potentially vulnerable for negative comments. A video on YouTube, a piece of writing online – anything that can be complimented or critiqued, which will either boost your confidence or thicken your skin.
2. Do something over-the-top embarrassing to make a fool of yourself. Take part in a dance-off, test out cheesy pickup lines, make preposterous requests at restaurants.
3. Set a colossal ambition that will require you to discipline yourself and accomplish smaller goals first. e.g. Running a marathon that will require weeks or months of training.
4. Allow a friend to make plans for you, giving them creative control of a night filled with unknown festivities. Comfort is all about knowing what to expect and having limited surprises, this will be a unique change of scenery.
5. Read a book from a section you’d normally never set foot in. If autobiographies are normally your thing, check out a Teen-Fiction novel or Humor piece. Whatever is outside of the norm.
6. Perform some type of public speaking, such as a poetry or reading at an open mic night.
7. Pickup a new hobby that you currently have very little ability to do. Musical instruments, cooking, painting, writing, dancing, etc.
8. Go on an adventure and explore a surrounding city or an area you’re unfamiliar with, using no GPS or assistance from your phone. Enjoy being lost and getting around only by investigating for yourself, and asking others for directions.
9. It’s not always easy to express our feelings to the people we love the most. Make time for the people you consider yourself closest to, and vocalize your care for them, despite how much easier it can be to think “I love you” than to say it.
10. Go to a restaurant you’ve never actually been to and order something unique off of the menu. No cheeseburgers or salads, nothing you’ve had several times – and preferably something you struggle to pronounce.
11. If you’ve grown comfortable doing things solo, start doing those activities with a friend. If you only do things with friends, try going it alone. Trust me, seeing a movie by yourself is surprisingly pleasant.
12. Make a new friend. No – that doesn’t mean add a random person on Facebook! At work, in class or when you’re out, start a conversation IN PERSON, and make friends with someone.
13. Take an improv class to get comfortable with unscripted interaction which, most of life consists of.
14. Switch up your daily routine drastically. If you’re a night owl, try hitting the hay early and waking up at sunrise. If you’re an early bird, explore the wee hours of the night for a change.
15. Limit your television watching. Replace that new found time being active and living your life, as opposed to watching others.
16. Take a financial risk that could result in a great reward.
17. Choose one of your fears and confront it head-on. Don’t like heights? Try skydiving, hiking a mountain or going on a rooftop – whatever you can do, as long as the idea of it makes you uneasy.
18. If at all possible, spend time around people more successful than you. Being surrounded by individuals who’ve accomplished more than you can be beneficial if used as inspiration and motivation.
19. Enter a competition in which the odds are stacked against you. Failure isn’t always a bad thing, especially if it’s utilized properly. By losing and feeling a letdown, you should become thirsty to try again or at least feel the glory of winning and success.
20. Say “yes” to every single opportunity that presents itself, big or small. From an invite to an event you typically wouldn’t attend, to a job promotion in a different city. Some things are life changers, and they should be embraced with open arms instead of shot down without consideration

Monday, May 5, 2014

Quit letting the negatives in your brain!

It doesn't matter where you are in life. If you are a seasoned consultant, or just starting out. There's going to be times when things just get hard. You'll hit a slump, things will slow down, people will become- dis-interested. Does that mean you have to give up? Absolutely not. This should motivate you to work harder, push farther and get further past your comfort zone. Because, if you continue working- you'll find yourself on an incredible journey of success- and, you won't even notice at first. It starts out in a small series of successes. Then, maybe you'll hit a rut again- but, those who just keep pushing on- those are the ones who have the greatest stories. Your story needs to be told, your journey is now- don't let negativity creep into your mind. Push it out! Believe in yourself! Believe in your product- believe in this business. I firmly believe that those who keep working, and keep believing, through the good times and the bad- are the ones your sitting there thinking negatively about. The ones who are making you insanely jealous. You don't think they've had hard times, too? Every single business person in the world has had struggles. Seek to find better, more effective ways to be productive.

 If it's a slow time for you, seek out information on how to better your business. Read some books like Go Pro!, Go for No!, Being the Leader, The Flip Flop Ceo, The Four Year Career, Think and Grow Rich....etc etc. There are hundreds of great books out there. Look for videos on how to hostess coach, how to generate leads, how to follow up with people. Seek out industry leaders like Julie Ann Jones, Bonnie Cribbs, Karen Green, or Sandi Krakowski or Sarah Robbins. Then when times get good again, you will have gained the skills to keep it going! 

The good WILL outweigh the bad, IF you keep going! No more negativity! No more excuses! Action, action, action! You cannot move forward without action!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Don't be a Wendy-whiner!

Earlier today I posted on my Facebook blog about not having a legitimate excuse as to why your business is in the dumps.  If you are stuck and not moving, it's exactly that, an excuse. Something is holding you back. 

But, what's worse than that? The person who is stuck, and who "pretends" to reach out to people for advice and support. They "act" like what they want is help, and that they want to learn new tips and tricks for business- but then........
 They shoot down EVERY SINGLE piece of advice, every tip, every trick and every single person who tries to help them. 

I see it so often. Nearly every day. "I am so frustrated. I can't sell my product. What can I do?", or "I'm so frustrated! I can't get anyone on my team! What can I do?" 

Then- in comes the flood of great and useful information....

Inevitably, I keep reading to see the response and it's almost always this: "I tried that once, it didn't work." 

Newsflash!!! You have to keep trying! Try it once, try it a hundred times, try it a THOUSAND times... it takes patience, persistence and passion! 

Then, a few weeks later, almost like clockwork- the SAME person is back again, asking for more help, and complaining that business is a bust. 

My advice if you are one of these people- go back and look at the advice offered, and this time give it a real try. Try it a thousand times. 

My advice if you are a reader of the Whiny Wendy's, and offer your advice without fail. Just stop. Until they give up their excuses, your just wasting your time. Don't be a Repeat-Rosie. 

All in all,  if you are stuck- look for those who are successful- and replicate them. Find their support, whether it's blogs, videos, training websites...whatever it is that they are doing- go find it, learn from it and then do it for yourself.