Saturday, May 17, 2014

Moving out of your comfort zone!

Ok ladies. It's time to pack up and move out! That's right- I'm evicting you from your comfort zone!

Oh no, I knew this would happen. I knew you'd cry. Please, don't do that- this is for your own good! If you are sitting here thinking, how do I get out of this rut....?  You are living inside your comfort zone.

Earlier this week, I posted 20 ways to get out of your comfort zone. They applied more to life comfort rather than business- but, would definitely open doors for you. Today, let's focus more on business comfort zones.

If you:
1. Have not made any sales beyond friends and family...
2. Have not made a sale in 24 hours....
3. Have not handed out a business card today....
4. Have not talked to a complete stranger.....
5. Have not gotten out of your pajamas....

YOU ARE IN A COMFORT ZONE! You need help! Well, I'm here for you!

Here are some ideas to get you past this!

1. Make a list of everyone you know. Call all of them, even if you don't like them.

2. Hand out 5 business cards to random strangers.

3. Compliment 5 strangers on something that relates to your business. For example if you sell jewelry, compliment 5 people on their jewelry and ask if it's from the company you sell for....even if you KNOW it's not!

4. Host your own open house/party/presentation. Make up invitations, and hand them out to everyone you don't know. Do at least 100, even if you feel like you don't have enough product. What's the worst thing that can happen? You sell out? Yeah........... big problem!

5. Do something you are scared of. Create a blog, make a video, do a conference call.

6. Get off your computer! Social network sites and the internet are great for a lot of things, but nothing matches the person to person connections! People need to know you in real life!

7. Get completely decked out in formal wear, and go shopping. If you must have a reason, create a team party and go bowling all dressed up. This creates positive attention and shows you know how to have fun! People like fun people.

8. Don't be afraid to build new relationships. Make a new friend.

9. Go somewhere you've never been, and ask to hang up a flyer.

10. Get out of your Pajama's! Even if you aren't going anywhere, dress for success!

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