Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Get rid of that but!

Last night our company announced a huge chance to win a trip to Hawaii, at our annual convention in August! Very exciting right? While the buzz around the online groups was excited and hopeful- there were a few  things that stuck out to me.

Quite frankly, the big but's were getting in the way!

I kept reading.... "I'd love to go...but....". Or, "I wish I could go, but...".

Well, I'm sorry BUT, your excuses don't make sense. You own a business, you are in business- you have products to sell- therefore, you have money! Lack of money is not a valid reason to miss out on your companies annual convention. It's just an excuse. Because, if you have the desire to go- and you haven't been working- the only thing to blame, is who's looking back at you from the mirror. The MOTIVATION is the incentive prizes offered at convention...the MEANS to get there is dependent on you.

Step it up, make more sales, make more contacts, add more people to your team- because, when you are out there working- you are making money and if you have money you can go. It takes a goal and a plan and yeah, some hard work and elbow grease- and, it CAN be done.

I lost my "real job", a little over a month ago. Sure, money is tight.... but my plans are set up. I'm still going to convention- and my chance to win that trip- is there! I want to win stuff, I want to learn how to grow my business into even bigger and better things. I want to make more money, make more friends and live a better life.

So- my motivation- pushes me farther than I ever thought I could go. I didn't spent two years in this business to give up because, I don't make as much money as I used to. I'm still going.

I know that if I make it a goal and a plan to go, that I will in turn also be making life better in the long run for my family and I. When my business starts bringing in that residual income (long term income), that I will have more precious time with my family. More vacations, more travel, more of the things I want for my kids and family.

Don't let excuses run your life. Make a goal, make a plan and get out there and WORK. :) 

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