Thursday, May 1, 2014

Don't be a Wendy-whiner!

Earlier today I posted on my Facebook blog about not having a legitimate excuse as to why your business is in the dumps.  If you are stuck and not moving, it's exactly that, an excuse. Something is holding you back. 

But, what's worse than that? The person who is stuck, and who "pretends" to reach out to people for advice and support. They "act" like what they want is help, and that they want to learn new tips and tricks for business- but then........
 They shoot down EVERY SINGLE piece of advice, every tip, every trick and every single person who tries to help them. 

I see it so often. Nearly every day. "I am so frustrated. I can't sell my product. What can I do?", or "I'm so frustrated! I can't get anyone on my team! What can I do?" 

Then- in comes the flood of great and useful information....

Inevitably, I keep reading to see the response and it's almost always this: "I tried that once, it didn't work." 

Newsflash!!! You have to keep trying! Try it once, try it a hundred times, try it a THOUSAND times... it takes patience, persistence and passion! 

Then, a few weeks later, almost like clockwork- the SAME person is back again, asking for more help, and complaining that business is a bust. 

My advice if you are one of these people- go back and look at the advice offered, and this time give it a real try. Try it a thousand times. 

My advice if you are a reader of the Whiny Wendy's, and offer your advice without fail. Just stop. Until they give up their excuses, your just wasting your time. Don't be a Repeat-Rosie. 

All in all,  if you are stuck- look for those who are successful- and replicate them. Find their support, whether it's blogs, videos, training websites...whatever it is that they are doing- go find it, learn from it and then do it for yourself. 

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