Sunday, January 12, 2014

Repetition, Consistency, Duplication

I do a lot of research on how to run a successful business. After all, when you stop learning- you stop growing.

Something I see almost every single direct sales coach teach are these 3 keys to success:
Duplication, Repetition and Consistency

Let me just share with you a little about myself. I started my business just under 2 years ago. I had only ever done direct sales once before and it flopped, big time. I couldn't handle the rejection. I didn't know how to cope with any of it. My sponsor, never taught me anything about business. So, when I saw the opportunity for the company I am in now, I will be honest, I didn't think it could work. I didn't think I'd have any help or support. I thought I'd be just thrown into the fishtank with the sharks. But, I was wrong!  The very first thing I did, even before joining- was learn everything I could about the business. I learned what all the products were, I read the policies and procedures. I talked with my potential sponsor, and asked a million questions. I read about the founders, the executive team, and even read through the compensation plan. I started looking up videos and found that there were dozens of training videos available online, for FREE. I knew this was going to be different.

This company had an excellent support team. The first thing I noticed, is that the leaders in the company were right there with their team. They were duplicating what they had done to achieve success. I quickly saw that part of this process was very repetitive. They had to answer questions over and over, the SAME questions, from every new consultant. They were brilliant at creating a positive and energetic atmosphere within their team. As they grew, so did I. I began to see a very consistent pattern emerge. They put out emails every month. They did team calls every week. They spent many hours on their team for Q & A. And they did it with passion and fire. They did it with a smile. While they might cringe on the inside for answering the same question 7,000 times- they smiled and did it 7,000 times.

We need to duplicate this within our business. Not only with our success teams (our down line) but also with our customers, hostesses, event coordinators. We must keep duplicating what works. So, if you are a prospector, you need to keep doing it. Keep at it day after day, week after week. Answer the same questions over and over again, and keep following up. Be confident, that answering that one annoying question 7,000 times- will bring you sound residual income for your entire life. Be confident in your answers and yourself, your products, and your company. If you have been doing the same thing over and over again, with no result. You need to go back and learn again. Look up some coaching videos, recruiting blogs...whatever is out there for you to learn from- do it. If you are not moving forward, then you need to learn something new. Then....go out and apply it.

If you are a partier- you need to be out there asking everyone you see if they want to party, too. You need to apply the 5-foot rule. Everyone within 5 feet of you at all times gets a card and your "30 second commercial".  (I'll cover ways to start a conversation in a future blog!)

If you are a leader/trainer- you need to make yourself duplicatable. Be on top of trainings, opportunity calls, updating and maintaining training materials, marketing materials, etc.. Also, be motivational. Your success team does not need a bunch of rules reminders, direct them where to go and then ENCOURAGE them. Motivate them. Challenge them. And absolutely do NOT abandon them. You can't run their business for them or hold their hand through everything. But you can point them in the right directions, make yourself available. Check in on them. Let them know you are still there- even if they are busy and workin' it! Just a quick note will do enormous amounts of good.

Not only must you repeat the process every day, you must be consistent with your plan. You don't want to be all over the place with your business, telling your customers one thing and your hostesses another. If you are going to offer an incentive, make it consistent. If you are going to have opportunity calls, pick a day each month and stick to it.  Make a plan, write it out, read it daily and follow through.

A wise mentor once told me, that it takes a person 7 times, when reading something, for you to comprehend it. Because, each time you read it, you will find something else about that statement (book, blog, video, etc) that will apply to where you are at in that moment. That's why I read books 3 times. I read it and take notes, read it again and apply the notes, and then read it again and apply it to my business. That is applying repetition and consistency to my business.

 You are going to get tired. So make sure to put in your plan, time for yourself. I've noted on this before, that you need to take time out of life- to just breathe. Designate one day a week to just be, to veg out and watch tv, or spend exclusive time with your family. Whatever it is that relaxes you- you have to put that in your calendar.

Now, read this again- and put it into action! Also please feel free to leave comments, other tips and tricks or motivational replies. Follow me on TwitterPinterest and, Facebook !!!

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