Thursday, January 9, 2014

Give Back!

How much profit do you make on each sale? How much commission? Do you give back? You might be asking, what do you mean?! I earned that, fair and square!

Well, no- you didn't. You are where you are, because someone did something to help you get where you are. I don't want to really focus on all the details about why the previous statement is true, so let's just move on to why you should give back.

Who should you give to? Why? What's in it for me?

You should make a plan. A budget. You should give at least 10% to something you are passionate about. For instance, your church. If that's not really your thing, give to a charity or organization. Don't feel compassionate about that? Why not volunteer your time? No matter what you choose to donate, or in what form (time, money, etc) ~ It's important for your business. There are countless ways that donating back to something can benefit your business. There are benefits, such as tax benefits, or spiritual if you may- but perhaps it's just a pay it forward system. Perhaps your donation could save someone's life. You are showing your community that you care. That you are someone worth working with. It gives your company/business value and worth. It gives you a reason to connect with a group or cause. It also gives people hope.

It doesn't matter how much you give, or in what form. It just matters that you do. Your business will be blessed 10-fold when you start giving consistently! I have seen this happen time and time again- the more I give, the more I am blessed. When I don't give, I struggle, my business struggles-  Don't make the decision to be selfish, Give Back!

Ideas of places to donate :
Suicide Prevention
Awareness Causes
Senior Centers
Crisis Intervention Hotlines
Food Banks
Animal Shelters
Pregnancy Counseling Centers
Rape and Abuse Crisis Centers
Suicide Hotlines
Local families in need

Feel free to comment below with suggestions!

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