Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Why you should quit being a liar!

Does my blog post title seem harsh? Yes, I'm pointing at you!  I just have a few bones to pick with you!

Are you one of those prospectors that say any of these things:

* The products sell themselves!

*You don't have to be a salesperson to sell this product!

*When  you have a great sponsor, you will have great success!

Ok. I'm trying not to hyperventilate here. I see these 3 statements every single day from people trying to build their team via social media. I do not believe a single one of them, has a large, motivated, successful team. Why? Let's look into that.

I'm not here to judge you, because honestly, when I was new to my business- I used the same tactics. I did not have great success with this. And now, after a few years, lots of tears and a lot of dedicated time to learning about what it is, exactly, that I'm doing here- I can honestly say- things are going in a whole new, positive direction for me.

Let's tackle each of these statements, one at a time. "The products sell themselves! It's so easy!"
 - You have immediately just set your potential teammate up for immediate frustration and ultimate failure.  Products do not sell themselves. I have never once seen a tube of lipstick stand up and apply itself to a pair of lips and say, "Wow! You look great! Buy me!" If products sold themselves, we wouldn't need distributors and consultants to promote them. It does take work, you have to get off your couch and show people the products. Wear them, share them, sell them.  They do NOT unpack themselves out of their starter kits and walk around your neighborhood.

"You don't have to be a salesperson to sell this product!"
- Again, you've just set your future teammate up for major disappointment. If you are in sales, you must acquire the skills it takes to be a salesperson. Everything we do in life is a "sale".  You must present yourself in a manner that is professional and trustworthy. You must have honest moments, and be ready to "sell" what you are offering.  Whether its your opportunity, or your product- you need to know your target market- and give them the value they are seeking.  You may not need to be a salesperson from the start, but you MUST be willing to learn to be one. You must seek teachable recruits, and seek those who are willing to teach what they learn. Skills are learned- and passed on. You will not make great progress with talent- you must gain, use and pass on skills.

"You need a great sponsor to have great success."
- This simply isn't true. Your success depends solely upon YOU. You determine your failure or success. Your sponsor cannot sell your products. Your sponsor cannot make your phone calls. Your sponsor will not hand you teammates. Your sponsor can only teach you what you do or do not want to be. If your sponsor is terrible, you know exactly what you don't want to be for your team. If your sponsor is awesome, you know exactly what you can learn, and pass on. It's up to you to seek out education about your business, to obtain knowledge about your industry, and to apply it to your business. No one can do that for you. You must become your own expert.

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