Sunday, October 12, 2014

Are you All In?

Each of us is a star
Sometimes we shine with the rest
Sometimes we twinkle alone
And sometimes, when we least expect it, we make someone's dream come true. 

Get All In

I recently read a story about a well known athlete, who started a business venture.

As an athlete, she was very successful. Very Famous. Very popular. If I said her name, you'd know exactly who she is. But, this is not about that. 

She wanted more out of life,  so she started something- a business. She invested the absolute minimum required to get going. The minimum monetary requirement, the minimum training...

She would have small success here and there, but, she really wasn't getting the results she really wanted. So, one day, she called her mom to vent about it.  Her mom changed her whole perspective with one big question......


She realized that she had in fact, not been "all in". She wasn't doing all she could to go big. She took a whole new approach and invested in her business, and in herself. And, she finally got big results.

So, how are you doing? Are you getting results you want? Are you ALL IN?

Here are some ideas to go all in:

Believe in yourself. If you don't believe in you, how can anyone else believe in you? Believe in your business, your product, your company. Duplicate what is working for the leaders above you.

Attend training's. If your company provides training and conventions- GO to them! They are made with YOU in mind...and designed to propel you into success!

Listen to calls. Whatever team  you are on, whatever phone conferences you can find- get on them. You can ALWAYS learn something new.

Invest in your business. If you have a product, invest in getting it. It can be hard, especially when you are new- but, it will be WORTH IT. 

Invest in yourself. Find and read books about your industry. It's not so much a monetary investment, go to the library- but spend the time it takes to read it and absorb it. It will change how you operate! 

Invest interest in others. Don't make it all about you and your bottom line. Listen to what others want and need out of life- then make it all about them!  You will double your success this way!

Make your business a daily adventure. Do something every day that benefits your business. People should never walk away from talking with you wondering what you do for a living. Eat it, breathe it, BE IT.  

There are two motivating forces: Fear and Love
When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create. Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people wo embrace life. ~Unknown 

GET ALL IN! I believe in you! You can DO THIS!  

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