Sunday, April 19, 2015

What exactly are you "Affirming"?

affirmation noun

the act or an instance of affirmingstate of being affirmed.
the assertion that something exists or is true.
something that is affirmeda statement or proposition that is declared to be true.
confirmation or ratification of the truth or validity of a prior judgment, decision, etc
Law. a solemn declaration accepted instead of statement under oath.

When I first started in my business, I was told often to "fake it till you make it".  Well, I wasn't really sure what exactly that meant. I figured- I was just supposed to lie about things until they were true. But, now almost 3 years later, I have found a better understanding. While that was taught with good intention, there really is a more honest, and fulfilling way to get your business rolling.  Affirmations.

As defined above, an affirmation is admitting that something is true. Or- will be true.  For instance-  "I will have dinner".  We know this is true, because you will get hungry, and you will do anything and everything you can to find food and eat.

But, we must be careful. Especially as business people.  Affirmations can make or break you. It is absolutely possible to be affirming the NEGATIVE things!  "I can't find hostesses", "I can't book parties", "I can't sell the product". Those are negative affirmations!  See, if you say something enough, you begin to believe it. And then guess what, it's true, because- you've convinced yourself it's true so that is what you've attracted to yourself.

Start making positive affirmations- "I book parties every day!", "My calendar is always booked!", "I have the fastest growing team this month!"

Write them down every day- pick 5 and rotate them through the week.  Say them out loud, add them to your vision board and dream boards!  Get used to telling your customers and clients these positive affirmations about yourself, "I am on the fast track to the top of the company!", "My sales are paying for my mortgage!", "I am going on the company cruise in 2016!".

Say them because you believe it! Say them as if it's already true, and pretty soon, you'll be so shocked at the results that they really ARE true!  Here are 6 affirmations I use every day.

I am beautiful!
I meet new customers and hostesses every day!
My team grows daily.
Money is available to me, and I can have it anytime I want.
Everything I need and want, I can have, because I am successful.
My calendar is always full!

I began using affirmations consistently beginning August of 2014. In that time, my team has grown by 26 people~ !

Here is a link to an article with 42 more affirmations and a little more information about them! Make a change today, start affirming positive things and see where it takes you!


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