Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Have you ever wondered how people get parties so easily? Do you want more parties in your business?

Well, have you watched those people? I mean, really watched them? What all do they have in common?


First, you must love what you do!! You need to really enjoy your job. If you don't love it, people will see that!!! Nobody wants to host parties for miserable consultants. So check your attitude!!

Get excited! Whatever it takes to pump you up, whether it's music or laughter or talking to your sponsor- do that thing and get fired up!!

Make a goal to book two at every one. Book two parties at each party, or event. If you make it a goal and write it down- you will have a larger success rate! This means you need to ask EVERYONE at every party and event WHEN they want to book a party (not IF)!!! The more you do it, the easier it is! So keep doing it! Every no, is closer to a yes!

Do not give up. Just keep going- use each no, as a propelling step to the next level! I have some prospects, clients and future hostesses that I've been nurturing for nearly 2 years!

The key is action. You have to talk, you have to move out of your comfort zone. You have to do the legwork You have to pick up the phone and call. You might even have to call people you don't like. Don't let them be the reason you don't succeed! Let them be the reason you soar to greatness! No one can do it for you, so get out there and do all the things you don't like to do! You have the power of success within you- reach down deep and unlock it!

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