Monday, June 29, 2015

Daily Routines Make it or Break it!

Do you have a daily routine? 

Daily routines are very important!  This is something that I've always known, but not until recently put it into full effect!  I've seen multi-million dollar earners talk and preach about this relentlessly and, my mindset was always, "When I'm a millionaire, I'll set a better daily routine."

And that is where I was so terribly off track. Millionaire's don't wait for the first million to set up a great routine- they do it at the beginning!  This is something that's been holding me back all these years!

So, with some help from some friends and a few simple setups- I'm changing the course of my success!

First I found a planner I like- then, I made it "mine"- with stickers and decorations and yep-  expectations!  I started out very slow- and added one social media platform to each day to work on.  I would consistently follow my plan- but, not really "getting ahead".   So, over the past few weeks, I've been brainstorming and coming up with a new power plan!  I've completely re-worked my schedule!  I believe this is the key- to consistently work on your plan.  Work the plan and the plan works!

I've taken my paper planner virtual- I made a shareable/editable calendar using It's completely free, and you can have different links for different groups of people to use.  Share the link to your calendar for prospects, teammates, event coordinators and clients to request a time to work with you.  View my Calendar here: The Pink Boutique Calendar

I've added a 30-minute power session for each social media platform EACH day.  A great friend of mine shared this awesome checklist with me.

I love this checklist, because it not only tells me where I need to focus, but what I need to focus on.  I may not have all the things listed on this checklist, but, that can open time up for other things that are important to me, like booking parties, following up with clients and spending time with my family!  

Another helpful tip-  I bought one of those kitchen timers, the kind you just wind up for up to an hour. I set my timer for 30 minutes and get to work. When time is up, I switch to the next task.  Late at night when things quiet down with the kids, I can go back and finish the things I didn't quite get done the first time around.  But, when I know I have a time limit- I am more focused and get more work done than if I say "this is one thing you need to do today".  

Pro-Tip: Close all other things that could distract you. Don't open each item in a new browser window. Keep only one window open at a time, and dedicate your focus to that one thing.  When I'm blogging, I don't want Facebook running in the background dinging every ten seconds. That will get me wanting to stop my blog work, and check Facebook.  This is a HUGE time waster!  If you stick to the plan, FOCUS your time- you will get more done! 

And, last- don't get discouraged if you only work 20 minutes and your kids demand time with you. The whole reason we are stay at home parents, is because we want more time with our kids! Just remember that you owe 10 minutes to that platform later tonight when they are sleeping!

Something to consider: Hire a babysitter to play with the kids for an hour a two a week, to give you even more dedicated time to your business. There is no shame in this, you are still there for your kids if they need you-  and, it's great social time for you! Perhaps you know another stay at home/work at home mommy, and you can trade your hours- she can bring her kids one day and take them outside for an hour, and you can go to her house for an hour another day and take her kids outside.  Get creative!

Consistency is important. If you miss a few minutes here and there it won't kill your business- but, dedicate focused time every day to your business and you will prosper!   To learn more about what I do, click here . 
Have a happy week!

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