Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Being Consistent

In a direct sales/ network marketing / party plan business- there are so many options for parties, prospecting, doing business your own way- that sometimes we forget that we need consistency. What exactly am I talking about here?

In the company I am in, there are several ways to party. We can do home parties, online parties, basket parties, office parties, lunch parties, bridal showers, birthday parties- basically, if you can think it up, I can make a party out of it. How does this tie into consistency? If I don't consistently offer all of these options, people might notice I'm only trying to get them to host a specific type of party. They may take offense to that! They might see me as being picky or prejudice about them or their situations. I also need to be offering these options not only to everyone, but nearly DAILY! In person, online....everywhere I go!

Let's talk about consistency in prospecting. Again, create a daily routine with this. If you have business hours, use them for business. Be consistent in your efforts. And also, be consistent in the information you give out. Answer questions, but in initial contact, be consistent with your information. You should have what business people like to call the "30 second commercial". Also, don't be afraid to share your WHY. Why are you in business? What drives you to keep going?

Now, let's dig a little deeper. This is your business. This is a party for your customers, but this is business for you. So you need to lay down some ground rules. You need to set up a return policy, a refund policy, and a reward policy. And be consistent with it. If you constantly bend the rules, your customers (and teammates, too!) will walk all over you! Be the business owner you wish you could work for every day, but also be the business that you want to shop in every day! Your customers are freebie hungry. They know you give free stuff out, and they will sucker you into something every time, IF they know you will bend the rules to avoid a confrontation. The old phrase, "the customer is always right"- is hogwash. You can't drive your business into the ground to please every customer. Sometimes, you just gotta say NO! Stick to your guns!

So to recap, create a routine, or a schedule and stick to it. Create policies and rules and stick to them. You don't have to be rude or harsh with people, but you do need to create a professional and clean system. If you have policies and rules about your business, make sure they are clearly posted somewhere. It's always better to share a link along with an excerpt from it with a feisty customer than it is to just ramble something off they think you are making up. So get them typed up, and posted somewhere. Then, stick to it!

Don't forget your why! Surely when you forget your why, what drives you....your passion begins to fall apart. You will burn out, and become emotionally, and physically drained. Review your why every month, because humans change. You may have had a life change, or changed your goals. This can affect your business in so many ways!

Have a beautiful day!

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