This will probably be the shortest blog ever! Yay for you!
There are 3 very simple steps to success. It's so easy, you'll kick yourself for not thinking of it!
Number one: Start.
I mean literally. Put away all of your excuses, and just start the dang thing. If you really want it, you will find a way to get the investment money. You'll find 2-4 hours a week to invest into the business. You'll find a way. So, just START.
Number two: Show your friends.
This is a bit harder. You'll need to get the trust from your new customers. Establish yourself. Learn all you can about your new business so you can answer questions. Research your new market. Get the products in front of people. Let everyone you know and everyone you don't know, know about your new business. Show them your excitement!
Number three: Collect your profit.
Profit is so much more than monetary. While this is nice and very likely why you started your new business. There is so much more to treasure! The memories and experiences you will collect during your career, are priceless. Giving someone an opportunity to a better life, or boosting someone's self esteem, or watching people blossom from a timid person to a bold, and confident entrepreneur- is awesome. Collect your rewards.
That's it. Just start, work it, and collect the rewards!
I am a stay at home mom running a direct sales business! I have 4 adorable kids! I love my life! This blog is to share what I have learned from business, and help you grow and succeed in yours! My dream is to see every mom be successful in something she is passionate about!
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
I'm sorry- I just have to admit this. I'm still upset. I ran into a situation recently that really put my business in a bind- and it's making me upset. You will probably never see this, and if you did- you probably won't even think it's about you.
I will be the first to tell you, that not every consultant who joins your team, will like you. Not every consultant, will stay on your team. But, I just want say- that it's not always right when they leave. And sometimes you will never know why they don't like you. There will never be a confrontation or argument, they just will decide one day they don't like you, and they will stop communicating with you. And that really is okay. It's hard- but, it's ok.
But, on the flip side, it's not right to quit- get mad- throw fits and destroy an entire team, because you are selfish and feel hurt. Especially, when there are clear cut rules, and/or terms and conditions that YOU AGREED TO when you signed up for something. You agreed to the conditions. You signed the contract, and the company (in this case) was abiding by those rules set in place. I don't care if you do think you are the exception to the rule. It's not right to hold a grudge because someone did their job.
You are entitled to your feelings. Just as I am entitled to mine. Here is what you did because you decided to be immature.
You had no consideration for anyone around you.
You hurt your sponsors income. Just because you don't need the income, does not mean that she is not relying on income you have generated for her. This is her only income, and now- you have taken well over half of it away. I'm sure she was relying on that income to pay bills, feed her family and generally just to live. Did you even think of her? Did you even call her to talk about the situation? Did you even ask her for help?
You hurt people beneath you. You have shown yourself to be a weak and immature leader for your team. You have definitely led by example, and now they are all going to leave, too- because of a problem that you failed to handle correctly. They may have been setting goals to make this something big for themselves, and now you have destroyed that dream for them. Did you consider their feelings? Did you consider what you might be doing to their future?
You hurt MY family. Taking a hit like this- means I now have to replace you, and everyone you take with you, with 2 more people- each. My kids, my husband, and myself- all now have to struggle to replace that lost income, that we have definitely appreciated the past 4-5 months. Did you consider us at all?
And the biggest thing I am confused about, is that you told me that you enjoy this business.
You find joy in offering these products to others, and you enjoy engaging with your customers. So you are letting one little tiny FIXABLE thing, destroy it all.
Then, when I tried to help you- By taking time out of MY schedule and business, to fix your problem... you refuse to communicate with me- and find your own "fix it" solution. Making ME look like an idiot trying to help you. I do not appreciate the lost time, your attitude, or your selfishness.
But, I guess in all fairness. I don't want people like that on my team anyway. We are a team that focuses on empowerment, encouragement, service and love. Sometimes that means we need to also forgive.
So I say all of that to say this. I am praying for you, and all of those surrounding you affected by your selfish decisions. I also forgive you for hurting so many. And, I release you. I let it go. I'm hurt, upset, and confused by this situation- but, I am giving it to a higher power. I can not let negativity drag me down. I have zero time for that. I wish you all the best in your future and hope that you find the success and joy that you are seeking.
I'm sure this is not the last time a situation like this will occur. I'm sure over my career with this business- there will be dozens of other situations just like this. But, as with everything- this is a learning experience for me. I am learning how to deal with this particular kind of situation- and, I guess, for what it's worth- Thanks for that. Lessons lead to blessings.
I will be the first to tell you, that not every consultant who joins your team, will like you. Not every consultant, will stay on your team. But, I just want say- that it's not always right when they leave. And sometimes you will never know why they don't like you. There will never be a confrontation or argument, they just will decide one day they don't like you, and they will stop communicating with you. And that really is okay. It's hard- but, it's ok.
But, on the flip side, it's not right to quit- get mad- throw fits and destroy an entire team, because you are selfish and feel hurt. Especially, when there are clear cut rules, and/or terms and conditions that YOU AGREED TO when you signed up for something. You agreed to the conditions. You signed the contract, and the company (in this case) was abiding by those rules set in place. I don't care if you do think you are the exception to the rule. It's not right to hold a grudge because someone did their job.
You are entitled to your feelings. Just as I am entitled to mine. Here is what you did because you decided to be immature.
You had no consideration for anyone around you.
You hurt your sponsors income. Just because you don't need the income, does not mean that she is not relying on income you have generated for her. This is her only income, and now- you have taken well over half of it away. I'm sure she was relying on that income to pay bills, feed her family and generally just to live. Did you even think of her? Did you even call her to talk about the situation? Did you even ask her for help?
You hurt people beneath you. You have shown yourself to be a weak and immature leader for your team. You have definitely led by example, and now they are all going to leave, too- because of a problem that you failed to handle correctly. They may have been setting goals to make this something big for themselves, and now you have destroyed that dream for them. Did you consider their feelings? Did you consider what you might be doing to their future?
You hurt MY family. Taking a hit like this- means I now have to replace you, and everyone you take with you, with 2 more people- each. My kids, my husband, and myself- all now have to struggle to replace that lost income, that we have definitely appreciated the past 4-5 months. Did you consider us at all?
And the biggest thing I am confused about, is that you told me that you enjoy this business.
You find joy in offering these products to others, and you enjoy engaging with your customers. So you are letting one little tiny FIXABLE thing, destroy it all.
Then, when I tried to help you- By taking time out of MY schedule and business, to fix your problem... you refuse to communicate with me- and find your own "fix it" solution. Making ME look like an idiot trying to help you. I do not appreciate the lost time, your attitude, or your selfishness.
But, I guess in all fairness. I don't want people like that on my team anyway. We are a team that focuses on empowerment, encouragement, service and love. Sometimes that means we need to also forgive.
So I say all of that to say this. I am praying for you, and all of those surrounding you affected by your selfish decisions. I also forgive you for hurting so many. And, I release you. I let it go. I'm hurt, upset, and confused by this situation- but, I am giving it to a higher power. I can not let negativity drag me down. I have zero time for that. I wish you all the best in your future and hope that you find the success and joy that you are seeking.
I'm sure this is not the last time a situation like this will occur. I'm sure over my career with this business- there will be dozens of other situations just like this. But, as with everything- this is a learning experience for me. I am learning how to deal with this particular kind of situation- and, I guess, for what it's worth- Thanks for that. Lessons lead to blessings.
Monday, May 18, 2015
What do you do when you feel wronged by your company?
Recently, I've been attempting to be a better leader by taking some simple steps- that no doubt scare me. Part of the reason this scares me, is because- I am so uncomfortable with confrontation, I am literally scared of being yelled at. But, I know that my business will never grow, if I don't just deal with it and move past it. I have to learn to deal with these situations, so that I can continue doing what I love.
I want to discuss how to deal with situations that make you feel like throwing in the towel.
Every business is going to have some major bumps in the road, and without doubt, you will come across a situation that really fires you up. You are going to want to quit. You are going to want to talk bad about someone or something in your company. But, I really want to encourage you to not do that.
Business is built on relationships. And while you might be feeling like someone, or the company, doesn't care about you- you have to remember there is someone out there who is looking at you, too. They are watching your actions, they are seeing how you deal with stress. They are looking up to you. And if you throw a fit, stomp and throw your fists- they are going to feel like YOU don't care about them. You are someone to somebody. And they want to learn from you.
If you truly love doing what you've been doing, sometimes you just have to take the less traveled tour- and, push past your feelings of hurt and thoughts of "they don't care". The truth is, if they didn't care- they wouldn't have even offered the opportunity in the first place.
To even throw out the term "they don't care about me, why should I care about them"- without having ever even met or TALKED to the founders/ceo's of the company to find out their vision- is childish.
Major companies and corporations are tied up so often with legal knots. I'm sure they would LOVE to bend over this way or duck under that way to help you, but they literally just can NOT do it- no matter how special you are.
Imagine the pickle they would be in if they made a special exception for everyone in a special circumstance. They wouldn't be a very stable and firm business model, would they?
Many times the problems and issues we come up against are clearly outlined for us to avoid in the fine print. If anything offers you a terms and conditions agreement to sign, or a policy to agree to- read it and understand that sometimes unforseen things happen, and sometimes there will be no way to rectify a problem that came up. And it's not that the company is looking down on you, or doesn't care about you or that you aren't special and valuable to them. Sometimes, it's just a knot they can't untie. Sometimes it's a knot that might be holding the company in place so that you can continue doing something that you love to do.
When you can tell me that you love the look on people's faces when they find out you are coming over, or are going to be at this place or that, or that they light up when you tell them the price or what the product is- and, you tell me how good that makes you feel to offer something like that to your friends, family and customers- then it's worth it to forgive and move on. It's worth it to take a breath, count to ten and keep going. The world is not out to get you. They cannot take your passion from you. This is something that can be worked out, you can get past this. I promise.
After all, that is what this business is all about- To change the lives of our Consultants and their customers by providing fashionable and affordable accessories, and by providing an opportunity to financially benefit their lives and the lives of their families in a positive way.
I want to discuss how to deal with situations that make you feel like throwing in the towel.
Every business is going to have some major bumps in the road, and without doubt, you will come across a situation that really fires you up. You are going to want to quit. You are going to want to talk bad about someone or something in your company. But, I really want to encourage you to not do that.
Business is built on relationships. And while you might be feeling like someone, or the company, doesn't care about you- you have to remember there is someone out there who is looking at you, too. They are watching your actions, they are seeing how you deal with stress. They are looking up to you. And if you throw a fit, stomp and throw your fists- they are going to feel like YOU don't care about them. You are someone to somebody. And they want to learn from you.
If you truly love doing what you've been doing, sometimes you just have to take the less traveled tour- and, push past your feelings of hurt and thoughts of "they don't care". The truth is, if they didn't care- they wouldn't have even offered the opportunity in the first place.
To even throw out the term "they don't care about me, why should I care about them"- without having ever even met or TALKED to the founders/ceo's of the company to find out their vision- is childish.
Major companies and corporations are tied up so often with legal knots. I'm sure they would LOVE to bend over this way or duck under that way to help you, but they literally just can NOT do it- no matter how special you are.
Imagine the pickle they would be in if they made a special exception for everyone in a special circumstance. They wouldn't be a very stable and firm business model, would they?
Many times the problems and issues we come up against are clearly outlined for us to avoid in the fine print. If anything offers you a terms and conditions agreement to sign, or a policy to agree to- read it and understand that sometimes unforseen things happen, and sometimes there will be no way to rectify a problem that came up. And it's not that the company is looking down on you, or doesn't care about you or that you aren't special and valuable to them. Sometimes, it's just a knot they can't untie. Sometimes it's a knot that might be holding the company in place so that you can continue doing something that you love to do.
When you can tell me that you love the look on people's faces when they find out you are coming over, or are going to be at this place or that, or that they light up when you tell them the price or what the product is- and, you tell me how good that makes you feel to offer something like that to your friends, family and customers- then it's worth it to forgive and move on. It's worth it to take a breath, count to ten and keep going. The world is not out to get you. They cannot take your passion from you. This is something that can be worked out, you can get past this. I promise.
After all, that is what this business is all about- To change the lives of our Consultants and their customers by providing fashionable and affordable accessories, and by providing an opportunity to financially benefit their lives and the lives of their families in a positive way.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
6 Simple Steps to Leadership
There is no doubt that inside each of us, lies a leader dying to get out. When you join a MLM type company you already have it in your mind that you might grow a team. The pull of residual income is a powerful thing, and- rightly so! But, many of us do not even know where to begin when it comes to being the leader. It can actually become very overwhelming and frustrating if you are not well prepared. Sometimes, it kind of takes one by surprise, when you open yourself up for success and it really happens! Here are some quick, never fail, go to things you can do to always be the cool, confident and well prepared leader.
1. Know your stuff. Even if you are new to this type of business, begin learning all you can about your company, and business. YouTube and Google are your friend- there is tons of free training out there you can piece together to get your style. You don't have to "know it all", but begin to familiarize yourself with all things business. Know who you can contact in case you come into a situation where you don't know it all. Know your policies and procedures, know your up-line or the founders.
2. Be available. Many times, all you need to do is be available and listen. But also, remember to set your boundaries. You probably don't want people calling at 2 am- so set your hours. If you begin to be available 24-7, you will be contacted 24-7 and they will take advantage of that and become upset if you suddenly aren't available. Make it clear they can message and email anytime they want, but you will only be available via phone and to reply during xx time and xx time. And, stick to it.
3. Make use of a schedule or planner. Use checklists and stick to it. Block out time for each task. Getting into a daily routine is one of the most useful of all tips and tricks. Consistency is so important. Consistency is duplicate-able. When your team can duplicate what you do, the entire team is prepared for anything.
4. Don't forget your "Why". Why did you start your business? What propels you? What motivates you to keep going? Review it often, as it will change over time. Share your why with your team. They want to know your story. If you hold back- this will challenge the relationship. They need to connect with you, and build trust with you.
5. Take time to rest and recharge. You can't go at it 24-7. You will burn out, become agitated and fizzle quickly. You need to let your brain rest. Clear out the junk in your mind, and make room for new ideas, new growth and new opportunities.
6. Be open to change and growth. Always grow your network, build it daily. Add to your list each day, follow up and connect. But, be open to finding new ways to lead, new ways to network, new ways to sell. Be an example to your team by continuing to grow, network, learn new tips, tricks and techniques. Never stop seeking knowledge. You never know who's watching you, and you never know who's going to be the next person to teach you something incredible!
1. Know your stuff. Even if you are new to this type of business, begin learning all you can about your company, and business. YouTube and Google are your friend- there is tons of free training out there you can piece together to get your style. You don't have to "know it all", but begin to familiarize yourself with all things business. Know who you can contact in case you come into a situation where you don't know it all. Know your policies and procedures, know your up-line or the founders.
2. Be available. Many times, all you need to do is be available and listen. But also, remember to set your boundaries. You probably don't want people calling at 2 am- so set your hours. If you begin to be available 24-7, you will be contacted 24-7 and they will take advantage of that and become upset if you suddenly aren't available. Make it clear they can message and email anytime they want, but you will only be available via phone and to reply during xx time and xx time. And, stick to it.
3. Make use of a schedule or planner. Use checklists and stick to it. Block out time for each task. Getting into a daily routine is one of the most useful of all tips and tricks. Consistency is so important. Consistency is duplicate-able. When your team can duplicate what you do, the entire team is prepared for anything.
4. Don't forget your "Why". Why did you start your business? What propels you? What motivates you to keep going? Review it often, as it will change over time. Share your why with your team. They want to know your story. If you hold back- this will challenge the relationship. They need to connect with you, and build trust with you.
5. Take time to rest and recharge. You can't go at it 24-7. You will burn out, become agitated and fizzle quickly. You need to let your brain rest. Clear out the junk in your mind, and make room for new ideas, new growth and new opportunities.
6. Be open to change and growth. Always grow your network, build it daily. Add to your list each day, follow up and connect. But, be open to finding new ways to lead, new ways to network, new ways to sell. Be an example to your team by continuing to grow, network, learn new tips, tricks and techniques. Never stop seeking knowledge. You never know who's watching you, and you never know who's going to be the next person to teach you something incredible!
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