Monday, June 29, 2015

Daily Routines Make it or Break it!

Do you have a daily routine? 

Daily routines are very important!  This is something that I've always known, but not until recently put it into full effect!  I've seen multi-million dollar earners talk and preach about this relentlessly and, my mindset was always, "When I'm a millionaire, I'll set a better daily routine."

And that is where I was so terribly off track. Millionaire's don't wait for the first million to set up a great routine- they do it at the beginning!  This is something that's been holding me back all these years!

So, with some help from some friends and a few simple setups- I'm changing the course of my success!

First I found a planner I like- then, I made it "mine"- with stickers and decorations and yep-  expectations!  I started out very slow- and added one social media platform to each day to work on.  I would consistently follow my plan- but, not really "getting ahead".   So, over the past few weeks, I've been brainstorming and coming up with a new power plan!  I've completely re-worked my schedule!  I believe this is the key- to consistently work on your plan.  Work the plan and the plan works!

I've taken my paper planner virtual- I made a shareable/editable calendar using It's completely free, and you can have different links for different groups of people to use.  Share the link to your calendar for prospects, teammates, event coordinators and clients to request a time to work with you.  View my Calendar here: The Pink Boutique Calendar

I've added a 30-minute power session for each social media platform EACH day.  A great friend of mine shared this awesome checklist with me.

I love this checklist, because it not only tells me where I need to focus, but what I need to focus on.  I may not have all the things listed on this checklist, but, that can open time up for other things that are important to me, like booking parties, following up with clients and spending time with my family!  

Another helpful tip-  I bought one of those kitchen timers, the kind you just wind up for up to an hour. I set my timer for 30 minutes and get to work. When time is up, I switch to the next task.  Late at night when things quiet down with the kids, I can go back and finish the things I didn't quite get done the first time around.  But, when I know I have a time limit- I am more focused and get more work done than if I say "this is one thing you need to do today".  

Pro-Tip: Close all other things that could distract you. Don't open each item in a new browser window. Keep only one window open at a time, and dedicate your focus to that one thing.  When I'm blogging, I don't want Facebook running in the background dinging every ten seconds. That will get me wanting to stop my blog work, and check Facebook.  This is a HUGE time waster!  If you stick to the plan, FOCUS your time- you will get more done! 

And, last- don't get discouraged if you only work 20 minutes and your kids demand time with you. The whole reason we are stay at home parents, is because we want more time with our kids! Just remember that you owe 10 minutes to that platform later tonight when they are sleeping!

Something to consider: Hire a babysitter to play with the kids for an hour a two a week, to give you even more dedicated time to your business. There is no shame in this, you are still there for your kids if they need you-  and, it's great social time for you! Perhaps you know another stay at home/work at home mommy, and you can trade your hours- she can bring her kids one day and take them outside for an hour, and you can go to her house for an hour another day and take her kids outside.  Get creative!

Consistency is important. If you miss a few minutes here and there it won't kill your business- but, dedicate focused time every day to your business and you will prosper!   To learn more about what I do, click here . 
Have a happy week!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

True Equality is LOVE- but, this article probably isn't what you expect.

I sat yesterday and watched my Facebook news feed blast joy, and hate- I was not surprised by any one persons post.  It's very controversial. I tend not to comment or participate in controversial subjects-  but, I do have words to say about this. And please- if you are not going to respond in LOVE- then don't comment. If you are already cringing with distaste- move on and don't read the rest of this. I'm not here to argue. But- as I watched all of you spew your opinions yesterday- I have one, too- and I'd like to voice it- lovingly.

There are a few things that bug me from both ends of the spectrum.
1) Gays who say "When you choose to be straight, I'll choose not to be gay."
 ~ The fact is, many persons who struggle with sexuality, often DO "choose" one orientation over the other.  Many who feel they are attracted to both sexes, often get married-to the opposite sex, have kids and live a very happy and fulfilling life. And never engage in actions that are "gay".  I know people like this. They made a choice to live straight, they are happy and well adjusted- and have no regrets.
2) The #1 argument that "Christians" have- is: "Homosexuals are purposely living in sin, and therefore we should refuse to marry them."
 ~ I ask you- how many straight couples did you marry in the past 20 years who were:
Addicted to pornography
Began their relationship as an affair
Living together before they were married
Sexually active before marriage
Addicted to drugs
Child molesters, rapists, murderers, liars, thieves and/or gluttonous
Not members of a church

Wouldn't all of those things be considered "sin"- and, many of them easily hidden from the world and purposely lived in day in and day out?
Wouldn't denying to marry them- ALL OF THE ABOVE reasons- pretty much close the doors to  your church and give the message- "no sinners allowed".   Aren't we as Christians supposed to be welcoming EVERYONE into our Churches so that we can share the Good News of Christ?

"All have sinned."

Imagine if no one loved you, accepted you, and shared the Word with you.  Can you imagine where you would be today? What if the Pastor of a church told you that you cannot attend church or get married, because-  you are a smoker? Stupid, right?

The ultimate point:  We all live in sin. We have all purposely lived in sin.

Whether or not you believe homosexuality is a sin- you cannot refuse to marry people because you believe they are purposely living in sin. Because- no one would be getting married. NO ONE.
God knows our innermost secrets. Lust, Greed, Gluttony....... whatever it is you hide- and struggle with-  that is between you and God to work out.  And if you believe homosexuality is a sin- then you cannot deny marriage only to them. You must deny marriage to ALL sinners. THAT is equality.

I'm not saying homosexuality is a sin. I'm not saying its not.  I'm saying you are not the judge of that, and no one sin is greater than another- aside from Blasphemy.
That little white lie/half truth you told last week- yeah- that was a sin no greater than murder.  Just let that sink in.  Would you really deny marriage to someone who told a "little white lie"?

And stop saying that people are nit picking the Bible apart.  How many times have you read a verse, and at some point in your life- you read it again, after hundreds of times, and it suddenly has a new meaning for you? That is what makes it the Living Word. Because God- has the ability to change YOU- and therefore your interpretations of things are different.

Know this: God works in ALL people.  

What I am saying is that as Christians- we are to love, and accept the people in this world. We are to show love, respect and kindness. Where would you find Jesus back in the day? Amongst the sinners, sharing LOVE.

God works on the heart- that is HIS job. It is our job, to spread His Word and Love- just as HE would do if He was among us.  If - IF- being gay is a sin- let GOD do the convicting. We are here only, ONLY, to show His love.

 "And the greatest commandment is LOVE."

What I've seen many "Christians" portraying lately is not love- it's  exactly opposite.  And that is exactly why Christians have a bad rep.

Pray for all people equally. Love all people equally.  Let God do what he's supposed to.  That is true equality.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Just thought I'd share...

This is a very well written article, posted today by my upline-  :)

So you want to join Direct Sales: So you are thinking about getting into Direct Sale...: So you are thinking about getting into Direct Sales, huh? Well here is a little advice from someone that is in it, Direct Sales isn’t for e...

Monday, June 15, 2015

Everything you did before, was leading you to now.

Years ago, I was a volunteer for a crisis call center.  I underwent over 90 hours of crisis intervention training.  I was certified in ASIST and CERT, and helped organize suicide awareness walks.  This moment in my history has helped define who I am today in my home business.  You are probably wondering how. Keep reading!

Before the volunteer work, I put myself through 4 years of online college classes and earned 2 degrees. The first in Bridal Consultation/ Event Planning and the second in Small Business Management.  It's been about 11 years since I finished those courses and, I have never planned a wedding or managed a small business (outside of the home).  I probably couldn't recite a single chapter in any of those books- in fact, I would probably fail the final exams today.  It's not that I never learned anything, I just have never had the opportunity to apply it to my every day life. At least, not in the way it was designed.  I spent a lot of money on those classes, too!

During my time at the call center, I received a quite an honorable award for my work. I logged in the most hours in an entire year, more than most of the volunteers had done in 3 years time individually. I rearranged my work schedule to be there, took in all the extra training I could, even trained many new volunteers. I actually began to wonder if I should pursue a paid position. But, inevitably, some family situations began to wear me out, and I fizzled very fast. I reflect back often of the many calls I took, how many people I helped talk down, and how many times I needed to call for backup.  I learned all about how to cope with loss, how to manage crisis situations but most importantly, I learned how to work with people.  It has truly become a life skill, that I have been able to hone and deeply embed into my every day life.

Some of the things I learned were how to empathize, and the differences between that and sympathizing.

I learned how everyone has crisis, and that my crisis may not mean anything to you- but it could be my whole world crashing in on me.

I learned how to make and uphold life-pacts. And how the simple act of writing something out on paper can solidify and change your thought process.

Many years later, and a few kids more, and a move to another state- I found myself in a parenting class.  This class fascinated me and I found out, I have an obsession with the brain.  I am totally consumed with finding out why and how the brain operates. I learned so much about how to shift your mindset. Not only did I learn how to manage situations with my children, I've learned how to apply these management solutions to my own life in business. I learned how to upshift from a negative mind to a positive one. I learned how to recognize my triggers. I learned that sometimes,  you have to sit down and make your brain think by exercising both sides.

Again, after a few years- I found myself taking classes to be an EMT. Again grossly intrigued by body function, hormones, chemical responses, and even all the blood, guts and gore- I learned how to get calm under extreme pressure. How to go with your gut- but most importantly how to PUHA! {Pick Up- Haul Ass}

How does all of this apply to home business, being a stay at home mom and my life today?

Well,  every single one of these has been about one specific purpose: To help others.  To assist them into living a quality and comfortable life.  To find happiness. And to keep moving forward in life.

This is my life's calling. To help others.
I'm sure that while I cannot sit here and recall the lessons from my college course work, I picked up little seedlings of skill that all the other things in my life have helped me grow and nurture. It did introduce me to the world of being my own boss, and creating my own job security.

Crisis management, coping skills, persistence, consistency and patience all came with time.  I was able to experience many different sides and situations of crisis- and from all of those angles, I have formed a great understanding of  grief, pain, suffering, chaos, depression, fear, anger, loss and loneliness.

Many days, my life is filled with chaos. The phone will ring off the hook, the kids will not slow down, my message box fills up, the bills all show up in one day, friends get hurt...and it would be so easy, so just throw it all in. But, I call upon those skills I've been building, forming, and hoarding over the past 11 years. I begin to practice what I've learned and begin to work out my problems one step at a time.

I have learned that all this time, all these things, were stepping stones to the leader I am becoming in my life.  A leader with a great understanding of things, and skills and tools to teach you how to grow up your business strong and stable. All these things helped point me to where I am now. And, this too, is a lesson all it's own. I'm learning leadership and building it up right from the ground.

I didn't add 1,000 people to my team in one year. I didn't hit the highest rank in 6 months. But,  I am established, firmly planted and branching out. I'm ready to help you, teach you, show you-  help you get to the point in your life that you want to be at.  If this sounds like something you want- please reach out to me. I can help you!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Launch Party Etiquette

If Walmart were opening their business for the first time today- do you think they would be successful hosting a Facebook Launch Party? Or, would they have more success actually inviting people to their store? I'm betting you'd want to go to the store!

So, when you start a home business- host an open house launch party in your home or in a local public place like a community center, park or favorite dining facility. Hand out invitations to everyone! Especially the people... you DON'T know.
Then, have another launch party within a week- if your first one was during the week, hold the next one on the weekend....

THEN do an online launch party.
Doing it in THIS order, will probably get you bigger results faster.
‪#‎protip‬ ‪#‎glitterbombmom‬ ‪#‎teampinkboutique‬ ‪#‎ladyboss‬

Thursday, June 11, 2015

30 seconds 30 days- Day two

Worst case scenario....

A little over 3 years ago- I was debating this home business thing. I was torn up over having to invest in something- because, all the warnings say "if you have to give them money, it's a scam"- while this is somewhat true - it's highly vague. 
A business that offers a product or service, to offer your clients- will often need you to invest in the products to make the business work. It is very much like opening up a store front on main street- you need inventory to sell to your customers.
If a "business" asks you to invest in something and does not have a product or service to offer, but relies on adding people under you to make money. That is a scam- and is highly illegal.
MLM companies are not scams. They are not illegal. They offer products and services. MLM is more than just adding people under you- a good MLM will allow the people under you to move above you providing they do the work to get there. A good MLM will have multiple ways to earn money.
My company does just that.

But, even many who comprehend all this, still struggle with the feeling of failure and opt not to jump in. Why?

Because there is this fear that they don't know enough people to get started. Here is what my thoughts are.

Business is highly reliant on everyone you don't know. Many times our friends and family, are not our biggest supporters. Many times they are your worst critics and are there in the sidelines rooting for you to fail.

When you start a business, throw a launch party. Hand out invitations to everyone you DON'T know. If you are new to the neighborhood, throw a "new neighbor party"- Invite people from the grocery store, the bank, the post office, the hair salon- pretty much - everyone you see within a weeks time. This is a fantastic way to make new friends, get new eyes on you and your business and be successful.

But- don't stop there. Host an open house twice a month, or at the very least- once a month. Post fliers up everywhere, hand out physical invitations, just like for your launch party. Create a consistent routine- and people will not only begin to be loyal and come (it will take some time for them to trust you) and bring new friends, too.

Consistency is key. Start off on the right foot with a launch party- and keep it rolling over and over and over.

So- if you've been thinking about joining Paparazzi. I can help you plan, work and succeed at all of this. My team and I are ready to help you. We offer 24-7 support, and training. Unlimited inspiration and motivation. You will become empowered and find a family you never knew you could have.

What's the worst thing that can happen? You get "stuck" with really cute and fun jewelry that you can keep for yourself or give away for gifts for the next few months? Doesn't seem so harsh to me. Take a leap of faith. #yougotthis #ibelieveinyou #teampinkboutique

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

It's all about the FORM!

They really should teach things like this in high school. And suddenly, I'm sitting here thinking- haven't I said that before?  A resume never got me anywhere.  But my FORM has!  What in the world am I talking about?

For 3 years, I've poured my life into learning, applying, learning, applying- trying to find the best methods to grow my business.  I've followed some really big people, and learned a ton!  One of the best tools that I've come across, and probably one of the most solid keys to success is building relationships. But honestly- they never taught us how to do this in school- or in ANY of my college courses on small business.  I think this is fundamental.  You need to make friends.  When we start any business we are encouraged to make our FRANKS list. Friends, Relatives, Associates/Acquaintances, Neighbors, Kids, Service.  See the first one? Friends. How exactly does one go about "making friends". I tell you something, I was a loner in school. I had maybe one or two good friends, and that's it.  I didn't "know how" to make friends, and no one ever taught me.  So, when getting into business and making this list- I thought- now who do I know? I don't have "friends". I had to learn how to make new ones and this was a huge struggle for me.

Well today I can tell you, it's actually really easy!  I've stumbled across a method that really works wonders- even if you are not in business and just want friends!  The FORM method is fantastic, and it's genuine.  Put yourself in there- be real and learn to listen, not just with your ears- but with your heart.


Family- Ask things like, "Are you married? Do you have kids?" People just open up! We love to brag on family! Ask questions that demand explanation, like- "how did you meet your husband?" Generate a conversation.

Occupation: Ask them things like: "What do you do for a living?" " Do you enjoy your job?" "Does it leave you feeling fulfilled?"

Recreation: "Do you take family vacations?"  "Tell me about your favorite trip!" If they haven't gone for awhile= they will probably show some sort of desire or longing to go somewhere "someday".

Money: "Do you feel like you have enough money?"  "Do you have a nest egg?" "Would you be ok if your husband suddenly lost his job?"

People will tell you their whole life story!! What you are looking for is 1 or 2 stresses in their life that YOU can offer a solution to (your opportunity). Now, I don't recommend that you just sit down and ask all these questions in one sitting, or make it like an interview. Just be real with people.  It might take 5 conversations to cover it all- but what are you doing during that time? Building a relationship and trust.  You don't even need to go in order-  Maybe start with vacations!

When you begin to learn about them as a person, and what they really need in their life (they may not even know!)- you can offer them a solution without being salesy.  At that time you can say, you know- I used to feel the same way/be in that same situation- this (opportunity) has really helped my family and I!

Leave them wanting more, let them ask you about your life and how it's changed.  Let the conversation happen.

We need to remember that not everyone will open up to you. Not everyone is going to need your opportunity, and even the ones who do need it- not all of them will accept it.  But, don't throw the relationship away- they could be fabulous customers or refer your next rockstar to you.  You just never know!

This will not get you rich quick. But you will have stronger teams in the long run.  This has honestly changed the game for me!  To learn more about what I do, click here!  I'd love to work with you!