I was doing my morning routine today: get up, use the bathroom, put the coconut oil in and start oil pulling, while making a pot of coffee. Sit down at my computer, check my virtual office, read my morning news (facebook) - and, that's when this happened...I found this
video .
I was watching it, thinking wow- she's cute and she's really good. Then when the judges started talking, it hit me.
Prospecting should be a lot more like this. The Voice provides an opportunity- and people FLOCK to that opportunity for a slim CHANCE to be on one of 4 coach's teams. The coaches listen to each contestant, listening for flaws and also listening for skill. I love that they don't even look at their face until it's time to really offer a solution to their situation. When they like what they hear, and think that they have an ability to help them prosper in this industry, they turn around. This says, " I want you"- on my team. I can help you.
But then.... what if all the coaches turn around? The choice is still up to the prospect! See, I think too many of us have this whole network marketing thing backwards. Too many people just take your opportunity, and chase prospects, and throw it at them. Then, when you find one that shows a little interest, you jump all over them and smother them and don't let them feel it out.
Having a network marketing team, should be filled with people that all utilize different skills and abilities. And, as a team- you should be able to offer that to a "contestant" interested in joining your team. All while still working towards the main goal- getting that "contestant" to live their dream.
In the company I am in, at this point in the game, I can only "rank up", based on the skills and abilities of my team. I have found them, offered them a solution to their problem (they need money, I had a business to offer them), have helped them fine-tune some abilities and skills and they are out there working their dreams.
When, I go online to "network"- I see way too much opportunity vomit and not enough blind auditions. What I see are 4 judges, that are not in the same industry. I see Greed, Envy, Devious, and Cheater, instead of Skill, Help, Empower and Uplift. I see everyone throwing out a fishing line with the wrong hook/bait, into a school of dead fish, hoping to catch just one live one. What if instead, we throw our line with the right hook, and the right bait, out into the middle of nowhere- and let the right fish come to us? What if we start working for them, instead of trying to get them to work for us?
Let people show you what they are. Let them tell you what their skills are, what they need help with and if you have the solution, get them on your team. If you can't help them, let them off your hook and let them find the right opportunity. Not every person you talk to is going to be a good fit for your team. You will have a lot more success in the long run if you are pinpointing people who truly benefit from what you have to offer, and teaching them to pinpoint those people, too...than you would hooking a school of dead prospects. You will have less people dropping out of the program, or struggling to succeed, if you are honest about your opportunity, and learn to utilize your skill, offer help, empower and uplift them. Your long-term will be more solid if you start out with the right bait.